Olives and change...

So I'm sitting in my beautiful kitchen eating olives (yes I'm Greek) and thinking about change....there is no daoubt that everything will change somehow sometime.

One day you might wake up and someone that you took for granted won't be there. So never forget to talk to people and let them know that you care in your own personal little way. I don't understand where people stopped letting people know that they love each other or that they need ech other. Taking for granted that the other person knows that they are loved or needed is not really the brightest option. It never hurts to make someone happy. As I have quoted before from one of my all time favorite singer/songwriters India Arie, it doesn't cost a thing to smile and you dont have to pay to laugh. So why not spread the most vital factors in life just for laughs and gags.

I like to think that I take time to tell my friends and family that I care about them but of course I could get better at this. I did though take the time do tell a quite important person of my past her value, and it was way over do. I sent her a text and told her that I was very greatful for her having given me a honest chance within the dancing industry. Seeing as dancing has been a very large and important part of my life since a very young age this woman has been a role model for me since a very young age as well. I never really understood her importance until the dance group she was in split up after almost 15 years of successful and life changing dance. The entire group are very important to me and they have been in my life for almost seven years now. They stood for a lot more than just dance if you ask me. They stood for independence. Why? Because if one thing is sure about being a dancer is that not many families or people in general approve of the idea of their children or friends or family members dedicating their entire lives to becoming a dancer with a shit sallery and the odds of an ass to become successful. Some people have the right to deny this support but some do not. This group of people made sure to give you honest advice that wasn't simply filling your head with bullshit just to get money out of you....well at lest a few of them didn't try to screw you over! ;)

They also showed Sweden they value of dance. They let Sweden a completely different race of people not depending on color but just movements. Now Sweden is able to walk on the subway platform and see some weird looking person dressed in extremely soft and large clothes spastically moving around and just smile and say "ahaa...THAT is a dacer" instead of just judging with no understanding.

Well this entire text just got very weird but back to change. It happens. A LOT! But don't let it scare you. "Embrase" it. Have fun with it and know that everything happens for a reason and don't let it kill you. Cuz change is good...no matter if you like it or not! ;)

Love you! :D <3


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