Some people...

Some people are assholes. I mean BORN assholes. I might be jumping to conclusions here but if those acusations are true then I am not just dissapointed but I am also disgusted. Not that this person has to care about how I feel but hey that won't stop me from feeling the way I do.


If you have complaints about your fucking girl than end things don't go and fuck up your own reputation. These kind of things piss me off. What is with guys? YES I WILL BE GENERALIZING HERE AND IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT LEAVE!!!

Some of the nicest guys you will ever meet will turn out to be nothing but pussy wrapped horny sons of bitches. All they want is to get laid no matter where, when of with who. These people are messed up and should be castrated or whatever. Fine boys will be boys but GUYS this doesn't mean that you should make yourselves even more ignorant than you naturally are. It's your loss in the end!

Men= Women with a body part shaped like a large toe hanging in between there legs, more muscles, less brain activity. RETARDS!


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