I don't wanna do this anymore!

Is it really worth it in the end. Now I just feel so stupid choosing this stupid highschool education. The prestigues IB Diploma program! I HATE IT! Somehow all they want in the end is to test which of us will commit suicide and which of us won't thats it! The rest is bullshit! Nobody cares if one has a diploma or not. We're just letting ourselves get screwed! We think that we are smart but me are self destructive people who like to challenge ourselves for what! NOTHING!

The point of the IB is to prepare us for future studies but I have barely 3 months to go and I never want to enter a school again in my entire life. How's that for preparation?

All I want to do is work, save money and leaves this frozen chicken of a country!

I look at my dreamboard and I doze off but when I'm back to reality I just wanna disappear! I really really really don't wanna do this anymore!!!

Well everything isn't shit of course. I've met wonderful friends but sadely enough when these moments come along the anger manages to erase all the good things. I'm only human!


IB really does stand for Intelegent Bullshiters and that all it means!


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