This is me now!

I had one dream, one passion, one drive and somebody managed to take that away from me. I don’t know how and I don’t know who but I know that I miss it. A lot! I look at Justin Bieber and all people see is a shallow crush but what people don’t get is that he inspires me more than anyone has ever been able to before. When I use the word inspiration and the name Justin Bieber in the same sentence people laugh because they think I am some crazy stalker. They don’t get it. He is living my dream and sure I am jealous but I am sooo happy and inspired but when I look at the life I live today I see no hope. I see no chance. I don’t know what to do.

Think about it. He is a 15-year-old kid who in less than a year took the world by storm. The only word that can come close to describing what I think of that is WOW!  I admire him and I admire his mom almost more. She is helping him live the exact dream I barely dare dream of. She helps him live a life where one day a week he gets to be a kid, he gets to be him. Not the super celeb that girls throw their panties at on stage but the person none of us knows even though we like to think we do.

Now just imagine yourself in his position. Would you be able to stay as grounded and as humble as him? I highly doubt that but hey he did it so everything is possible right? What he does and at his age is admirable and nothing else.

So I go on living my mediocre life in cold, cold Sweden barely breathing due to the emptiness dreaming about something that probably will never happen. I keep trying to tell myself that what I want is to study hard (which I do and I like it as well) and that in the future I want to become a regular hard working successful business woman.

I know that I am very negative right now and that most of you are just thinking why don’t you just go out and do something about it? Well you see I have no supportive family and I am Greek meaning that if I choose “that life” I choose it over them. There goes the family. But it gets better. I am an 18-year-old girl with and American citizenship and I have a talent within dancing. So why not just fly to the US and make it happen right? Well try doing that with sickle thalasemia. I was born with a blood disease which makes it harder, not impossible, but much harder for my body to train as much and as hard as “normal and healthy” people can. Don’t get me wrong, I live a normal life and all but I get sick a lot.

Wow this is really turning out to a sad sob story but all I wanted to say was that Justin Bieber inspires me and I admire him and I would want nothing more than for him to keep doing what he is doing no matter if he notices me or not. I’m a fan but not a fan that purposes or asks him questions like “why are you so hot” and I don’t “love” him but I admire him with all my heart.


If you see this, Good luck to you! HAVE FUN! Life’s too short!


- Raffaella J


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