Antoher exhausting day!

So, I'm back form school now and the time is 18:16 in the cold cold and very dark Sweden! I was enjoying all the snow last week but that joy kind of died out when the temperature hit -20° C! Brrr!

Yesterday my dear dance pertner Emma Backman texted me asking me to sub for her on her 18:45 dance class at Bluehill and after a lot of thinking and panicing about how sick i felt and i how tired i was but also how fun it would be to finally dance again, I accepted! I pretty much already knew i would accept as soon as she texted me but hey I'm only human and all people try to kidd themselves at some point! ;P

The choreography was a success and teaching was a blast. The song i chose was a Justin Bieber song (shocking huh?) and its called "Pick Me"! Its not released yet but its all over youtube which I fing pretty odd and boring because its part of ht excitement waiting up all night for the new songs! :p Well anywhooo! It went great and I had a lot of fun and the group i taught was REALLY GOOD which made it all even more fun! I'll be filming that choreography along with another one to Justin Biebers song "Baby" (shocked you again right?) and plenty of other choreographies along with them. I'll also be posting them on youtube!

You see my friend Emma and I have this idea that if we start our own youtube channel maybe someday, somehow and somewhere Justin will discover it and be like "Damn these girls can dance maybe we should contact them for a video or something?". Sounds waaay far fetched I know but even if there is only a one in a million chance I am willing to take it! So when this channel is up and running I will post the adress here and hopefully people will watch!

Well time for me to study for my Business and Management test tomorrow at 08:50! yey! PSYCH! :p

Love ya'll! Peace out A-town and have fun with life!

P.S. Jennifer Hudson has a KILLER voice!


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