I need me...

Felling lost is a feeling that is rarely enjoyed. My mind keeps going back and forth to places and don't want to explore. I just wanna focus and manage to stay focused but the will to fight disappears way too quickly. What? Why? When? and Where? are questions I am tired of having to ask myself. I just wanna get away and come back with noone else but me myself and I. I just wanna find me and keep me. Why should shit be so freaking hard?

My mood pretty much depends on the music I listen to nowadays and since I'm completely convinced that the shuffle function on my Spotify account is trying to kill me my mood is very similar to a schizofrenic persons mood.

I don't wanna die at the age of 99 knowing that I haven't even tried to make a difference in this world, big or small, but knowing that I can't make a difference at home gives my confidense and hope quite a beating. I'm bruising like a freaking peach nowadays and all I want is security and excitement. Have my parents forgotten to give some life changing lesson that would teach me that security and excitement never match? That I have to choose? Cuz right now it feels like those two things don't go hand in hand. It just feels like I'm fucking up my life more and more very time I decide to get out of my fucking bed!!!

I don't want anyone else and I dont need anyone else but myself but even I hate me! Can someone tell me HOW THE FUCK THAT IS FUCKING POSSIBLE?!?! FUUUUCK!!

I've had one too many status updates on my facebook page reading "understand why the cries smiles" but not a lot of people bother to look twice. Even the people who could have made a difference... On the other hand that could be me just asking too much...once again!

I believe that the crier smile because because of some sort of fear. The fear to actually discover who they really are and hate it. The fear that people might back off if they see the crier in you. Smiling when not necessary is an insecurity that is hard to pinpoint and own up to. Smiling when not necessary is also trying to help yourself from going under.

So can anyone tell me where I can find me?

I do have people who bring me up to the surface when I give up and sink benieth the surface of this endless ocean. People like my wife Ida and my mistress Camme (don't ask how all I know is that they love each other too :p). I will be forever greatful for these people. I really don't know how they can take it. Hanging round what I personally would classify as a psycho bitch (moi!). But they do it somehow. I must be doing something right!

Oh well, food for thought!


Seven years of Bounce

So I just finnished watching a show about Swedens best dance group of all times within hip hop (of all time) and I was almost moved to tears. Those people have been present as huge role models in my life for about seven years now and now they are no longer Bounce. They are still here and dancing, sure, but is it really the same thing?

People may call me a crazy fan of some sort but hey if they get something out of that than be my guest. Those seven people represented so much more than just the annual show production and the regular classes they teach. They represented something that most people wouldn't understand, that most people call steps and cool clothes. That most people calla cry for attention and fame. But for the people who actually know what they stand for, who know what they represent, THEY know that these people stand for words sos trong they can not be told. Words such as hope, love, determenation, trust, expression and sacrifice.

Hope: They were and still are a becon of hope for people who do not consider themselves special and for people who do. They showed us that if you really want somethine, if you really need something you just have to reach out and grab it. As they finnished their last show with the strong message of don't ever let noone tell you to grow up and give up on your dreams not a single pair of eyes were left dry. They inspired people to go for what they want and for what they dream of.

Love: No matter how big they got and how known they became across the globe they showed nothing but love and respect to people of all ages no matter if they know them or not. They greet you with a smile that warms your heart and inspires you and the speak with such enthusiasm showing no doubt in who they are or what they stand for.

Determenation: As I have made pretty clear this far they inspire, they are inspiration leaders that shine with determenation. To live in a small and pretty mediocre country such as Sweden with an audience that's hard to catch and have dreams so "abnormal" and for fetched as becoming a dancer and actually making it these people deserve a standing ovation. People have been jealous and people have tried to be obsticles for them but this has simply been percieved as a light breeze touching their hair. To be as determined as these people are is something most people strive for in their lives but give up half way. When most people reach this point they settle and say that they gong to be the best that THEY can be (which is a bullshit statement when you can be THE best, period!).

Trust and sacrifice: I put these two together because according to me they go hand in hand. If I have my facts right they met when they were a bit older than myself and right then and there they started on a journey they would not let go of easily. The took each other in with their extreme differences and made it work and off they went to where they are now. I'm sure it hasn't always all glamour and scott free but that they see each other as their best friends or even as their family is an image to look up to. They gave each other their all and they put their heart and soul into something that takes a lot of sacrifice. They are not that much older than me but dancing wasn't as accepted when they first began so they gave up the "regular" life of the typical swede and embrased the life as something many people would raise an eyesbrow to. They sacrificed the well being of their bodies and some might have even postponed the idea of starting a family.

Last but not least, expression: They MASTER a language a very small percent of people who walk this earth do. A language we all know as dancing but that is so much more than the word describes. Dancing is to most people a series of movements in concert with music also sometimes illustrating the lyrics. Fine this may be a fancy description, but it is so much more than just this. I would say that dancing is a lifestyle consisting of a series of feelings put into a way that people can interpret in their own may, with or without music. A way for the person who is either good or bad with words to get something off their chest and express it in a way that takes full concentration and comes out in a way that can neither be right nor wrong.

To finnish this off I would of course like to thank Bounce for the precious moments they have knowingly or unknowingly given me but I would also like to finnish this off with a question.

Will you settle to be the best YOU can be? Or will you be THE best?

Peace! ;) <3

P.S excuse my spelling...very tired and just enthusiastic at the moment. :p

Olives and change...

So I'm sitting in my beautiful kitchen eating olives (yes I'm Greek) and thinking about change....there is no daoubt that everything will change somehow sometime.

One day you might wake up and someone that you took for granted won't be there. So never forget to talk to people and let them know that you care in your own personal little way. I don't understand where people stopped letting people know that they love each other or that they need ech other. Taking for granted that the other person knows that they are loved or needed is not really the brightest option. It never hurts to make someone happy. As I have quoted before from one of my all time favorite singer/songwriters India Arie, it doesn't cost a thing to smile and you dont have to pay to laugh. So why not spread the most vital factors in life just for laughs and gags.

I like to think that I take time to tell my friends and family that I care about them but of course I could get better at this. I did though take the time do tell a quite important person of my past her value, and it was way over do. I sent her a text and told her that I was very greatful for her having given me a honest chance within the dancing industry. Seeing as dancing has been a very large and important part of my life since a very young age this woman has been a role model for me since a very young age as well. I never really understood her importance until the dance group she was in split up after almost 15 years of successful and life changing dance. The entire group are very important to me and they have been in my life for almost seven years now. They stood for a lot more than just dance if you ask me. They stood for independence. Why? Because if one thing is sure about being a dancer is that not many families or people in general approve of the idea of their children or friends or family members dedicating their entire lives to becoming a dancer with a shit sallery and the odds of an ass to become successful. Some people have the right to deny this support but some do not. This group of people made sure to give you honest advice that wasn't simply filling your head with bullshit just to get money out of you....well at lest a few of them didn't try to screw you over! ;)

They also showed Sweden they value of dance. They let Sweden a completely different race of people not depending on color but just movements. Now Sweden is able to walk on the subway platform and see some weird looking person dressed in extremely soft and large clothes spastically moving around and just smile and say "ahaa...THAT is a dacer" instead of just judging with no understanding.

Well this entire text just got very weird but back to change. It happens. A LOT! But don't let it scare you. "Embrase" it. Have fun with it and know that everything happens for a reason and don't let it kill you. Cuz change is good...no matter if you like it or not! ;)

Love you! :D <3

Understand why the cryer smiles...

Wow...where am I to start? Well I left you after graduation.....we had a blast! :) After that things kinda took a wrong turn!

Friends were lost and riends were found. Summer came and summer left. Reality happend. I moved to this wonderful place called home and found...difference. Both for the better and the worse. I messed up a lot of things but managed in the nick of time to look myself in the mirror and call my self a complete and utter jack ass and it saved me believe it or not....it saved me from what could have been the worse mistake of my life.

I know what I have now and where I have it. I got confused by the tense smell of bull shit that lay in the air of my so called summer "good-life". But now I found the source of it and through it out.

I went to Greece this summer and visited a monastary ( you know where nuns live and stuff) and I prayed. I prayed like never before. I didn't pray for riches or health or anything of the usual...I prayed for feelings. I had stop feeling and I know the source of that issue now. I remebered that when I was a nervous reck I still felt things and I still considered myself human...but somewhere along the road I stopped. Somewhere I gave up...on everything....hope,love,happiness....life. I started to daoubt my happily ever after dream that I ALWAYS had growing up. I stopped and I looked around and all I saw was flaws. Flaws on myself, my friends, my family and my heroes. I saw them all so I decided to do what I thought was "grow up". But boy was I lost.

I learnt a lot about life and people, not everything of course, but alot. I see things differently now, at least a bit. I cut myself some slack seeing as slack doesn't come from a lot of other corners in this world. I started filtering out the useless words that came from people of no use in my life anymore. I still have a hard time filtering shit out when it comes to people that do matter but I can live with that because it makes me feel.

Yes I am a drama queen, yes I over do stuff a lot, yes I'm stubborn and YES the list goes on and on and on. But I see that now...no like for real.

At one time EVERYTHING crashed...and I mean everything!! So I started in one place that always was most important but somewhere got forgotten....I started with love. I faught, I begged and I admitted for real my faults for the very first time. A very smart woman once told me that you must make yourself so small in the eyes of others in order for you to become large and worthy in your own eyes. Those words changed stuff...they changed me. They made me understand how pride can stand of the way of things so much more meaningful and fantastic than pride. I felt indiference to everything before I understood what I was about to lose.

This summer I cried and I cried and I cried.... sure I laughed a lot too but boy did I cry! :p I cired trying to understand this piece of shit work of art called life. Sometimes I forced myself to just to make sure that I still could because call me lame but crying is important to me.

So I finally got of my ass that started growing bigger and bigger along with the rest of me and I applied for a job and got one...at this cozy little café called Barista in Nacka Forum. I really like it...the people there are great and its tough but worth it. It's fun and new which makes it wort it as well! :p

I met old friends this summer as well that I used to hang out with a lot and realized that time really does change people... but moments of this person came out a few times but of course this person would act like they never happend. It hurst but hey it's life and I'm over it...sooo over it! ;)

I thought a lot... I was alone a lot in Greece so I wondered of to think and it helped. Things are shping up for me with a lot of big parts to still go through but things are headng in the right direction.

Well I'm kinda running a blank here so I'll talk to you later! :)

Good night! Love! <3

P.S Dremas change...don't let that scare you...they just do sometimes! ;)

Confused Nanaki!

Basically I graduated, OFFICAILLY, and it was totally awesome. If I could relive it I would cry tears of joy. It was fun fun fun! I cried as expected....cried like a little baby but hey what ever. I'll write more about that some other day...have other things on my mind right now.
A lot has happend during these past three years. I've been blind for oportunities that were there all along and now that makes me think. Love came into the picture in the beginning of the second year but came true in November in my third year (what can I say? I'm a fighter). I didn't pay attention when I should have and I did when I shouldn't have. I slept in school and partied at night, I cried, I laughed, I loved, I faught and it all comes down to one unmentionable thing. A very confusing feeling. A feeling so secret and scary that if I acknowledge it , it just might come true and ruin everything. I feel lost but still home, I feel sad but still so happy. All I want is to be alone but all I need is company. Someone who never needs to ask, never needs and explanation...just gets it.  A friend that pretty much can only be one of those invisible friends people have as kids.
Smiles. Lips. Stomachs. Legs. Arms. Hearts. Kisses and Hugs. Erotas. Ajapi. Latria. Ever?

Summer lovin'

As always a lot has happend since the last time I wrote. It is actually the main reason to why I don't write that much. So much fun is going on that I don't have time.

Well, aside from my lame excuse I had my graduation dinner and party yesterday and it was awesome! I sure did cry like I (and probably most people in my class) predicted during the showing of our "trip down memory lane". Lee did a great job on it. The food was not good at all according to me. It was eatable but it was NOT worth 330 kr. The boat was cool and the view was probably the only thing (apart from the people) that was worth the money.

So now I can look back at our time and laugh and cry but it will always end with a smile seeing as it ended with a great party. What other way would be more fitting for our class? :p I can also finally let go of all the stress around the planning of the dinner and collecting of money and names.

All that awaits now is my actual graduation along with a whole lot of fun to come this summer.

I must say that I REALLY missed my best friend Lotta but my wonderful boyfriend was there to save the day.

Lots of love to you all and I'll update you guys later. Probably after my graduation..hehe! <3 :)


I'm enjoying this at the moment! :D


FINALLY THE DAY HAS COME WHEN I CAN FINALLY SAY THAT THE IB IS IN MY PAAAAST!!! :D But of course I had to start this woderful celebration-worthy moment by getting really sick so I can't go out tomorrow and I've been lookng forward to it soooo much! I really just wanna cry when I think about it....but I guess everything is for the besta and everything hapens for a reason so I won't challenge fate (or however you spell it). But other times will come and I have planned a banging summer with my wonderful friend Lotta and of course my beloved boyfriend Anton!
So that last days were really tough on me seeing as I was sick but now I can finally relax and focus on getting well for graduation! I'll try to keep you posted on how my new and hopefully wonderful life will be!
Lots of love! <3

My secret!

Thought I'de share this piece of art with you guys! ;)

I'm so prettyyyyy, Oh so pretyyy!!! :p

Btw 7 days to go!!! :D

Sat in sun for a couple of hours with my love Lotta seeing as the sun finally decided to show itsself! ABOUT TIME!! We ate ice cream, spoke about all the good times we've had and listened to banging music! So here come some pics from today and a few songs from today! ;) ENJOY!!

Drake- Over


Usher - Hey Daddy



Young Money ft. Lloyd - Bedrock (LIKE LIKE LIKE)


We also listened to some Timbo and more Usher! ;)





True love! :') <3333


Peace out A-town!!! ;)


Oh my gosh sure are the correct words! I am like in love with Usher! Oh yesh I am moving on JB...peace out! :p Naah just kiddin' still got the hots for JB's music but not so much more :/


Well back to my new baby! haha!! :p Usher has this incredible swag it's insane. Boys...watch and learn! ;)


Love!! <3


Soon it's time for me to break free!!!!! :D :D :D Once again, that's all that keeps me going right now. Let the official count down begin....8 days left!!! :D

Not really feeling it any more... :(

Justin Bieber's new video with Sean Kingston- Eenie Meenie!

Sorry baby but as I said before...You're getting waay too full of yourself leaving me....unsatisfied! :/

Touched by a coulor

So I finally watched the two movies I've been wanting to see, The Blind Side and Remember the Titans! They rocked!!! It was a while ago I saw a movie that made me want to cry tears of joy and sorrow all through out the movie. There are very few movies in the world that can give you that "WOW" feeling but these two sure manage to do so.
Remember the Titans has a race focused touch to it and really makes you think. Makes you realize how stupid we once were. Martin Luther King made a lot of things possible. He made it possible for me to even exist and that I thank God for. There was a time were Martin Luther King was considered only a coulor...so we've all been touched by a coulor while we eat our own words.

I have some sad news also btw... :'(

My Bieber-fever has gone down. He is becoming too full of himself so I'm taking some time off from my future husband! HAH! :P

This song still rocks though! I get all tingly when I listen to it! ^^

I miss Michael Jackson...

The title has nothing to do with what I'm about to write but I thought it was worth a title. R.I.P MJ!

So.... I've been gone for way too long but all of you pretty much know why. I made sure to tell all of my friends to consider me dead the coming three weeks starting the 4th of May seeing as my final exmas started then. They have been going shockingly well! :D (Secret message to Penny: the tests are really easy once it's time for the finals seeing as one is really prepared for them so don't worry sugar ;))

Apart from that...a lot has happend. I guess the bigest change is that I am happy now for a change. My relationship is blooming once again making EVERYTHING soo much easier! I am pretty much half way through my exams now with two and a half subjects left to go! I can't believe I'm actually doing this and that it is going so well. It sure is a real boost of confidence. It makes you feel like you can conquere the world and that you can achieve anything after the IB. What motivates me is the good life I'll be living starting the 19th of May! I finish all of my exams on the 18th and on the 19th it's out and PARTYING! Imma be livin' that good life! Ya huuurd!? :p

Leaving the past, right now I'm feeling all relaxed and fresh apart from how I've felt during this entire week! :P

So I got home at 13:00 today after my last psychology exam and I fell asleep straight away. I woke up at 20:00!!! I mean how is that even physically possible. Islept more today during the day that I have the entire week each night! Haha well most of you know that sleep if my bigest love in life! ;p

When I woke up in complete panic thinking "SHIIIIIT what exam have I missed now?" I realized just how IB-fucked I was...hehe! After the panic attack that lasted approximately 2.3 seconds I got up to hang out with the best mother in the world (<3) and then it was off to the store to buy me some grub! :p Got back home, treated myself with a quick facial mask and a loooooong hot shower! So feeling so freash and so clean clean! ;)

Now some "Pytt-i-panna" is on the menu and it's gonna be goooo ood! After that.....only time can tell!

A little footnote: NOBODY and I mean NOBODY can party like fresh IB graduates can! We have nothing to loose for the first time in three years so if ya wanna party BRING IT! ;D We might be nerds but he we are used to going all night long if ya know what I mean! ;p

That's all for now! Gonna try and keep ya'll posted so keep an eye open!

Holla at me when Imma be livin' tha good life!

P.S: Here comes the song of the day. I hated it at first but it's growing on me! :)

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